The SP series, which is highly rated for its high power and reasonable price, is now equipped with a turbo throttle function that can further increase the top speed! Throttle and brake programs can be set in the same way as PRO4/RS4, allowing for detailed adjustments. Program changes can be made using a dedicated programmer (sold separately), but by installing a Wi-fi module (BL-WM ●4, 700) (sold separately), remote control using a smartphone app is possible. It is now possible to do so. In addition to changing programs while looking at the screen, you can also check the data after driving in graph form, and in the future we plan to support ESC updates. Although it has a compact housing that is easy to install on machines, it has more powerful characteristics, expanding the range of situations in which it can be used. This standard model is recommended for those who are installing a brushless system for the first time.
■Brushless sensored type controller ■Programmable ■Program changeable with YBP4 programmer (optional) ■Equipped with boost/turbo function ■Power feeling can be changed ■Equipped with forward, auto brake, and brake frequency change functions ■Equipped with detailed brake adjustment functions ■Compatible with Li-po 1 cell battery (3.7V) for driving ■ABS function ■Compatible Wi-fi module BL-WM ●4, 700 ■Compatible programmer BL-YBP4●2, 700 *The conventional BL-YBP/YBP2/YBP3 programmer , is not compatible and cannot be used. The new BL-YBP4 programmer is exclusively for BL-PRO4/RS4/SP4.
SPECIFICATION Compatible motor: Brushless 8.5T (13.5T when using turbo function, 13.5T or less recommended for drift driving) Input voltage: NIcd/NiMH: 4 to 6 Cell Lipo/Life: 2 cells BEC voltage: 6.0V/3.0A Case size: 29.1×29.0×18.5mm (excluding protrusions) Weight: 53g (including cable)
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